Circular Horn Antenna

Circular Horn Antenna

This horn is a simplified Potter horn described in « Optimum Geometry and Performance of a Dual-Mode Horn Modification », by Sergei P. Skobelev, in the IEEE-AP Magazine, fevruary 2001.

Create lines :

(0.0375, 0, -0.3) => (0.0375, 0, -0.225) => (0.04875, 0, -0.225) => (0.075, 0, 0)

We obtain the horn's profile :

We extrude the profile to obtain the geometry (E and H symmetry planes are considered)

View of the obtained surfaces :

Circular wave guide source (fundamental TE11 mode) :

Check that the source is defined correctly (E_guide1 and H_guide1 touch the waveguide wall and k_guide1 points towards the inner part of the waveguide) :

Define the two symmetry planes :

Check that the source and the symmetry plane are correctly defined (E_guide1 must be in the E_Symmetry plane and H_guide1 must be in the H_symmetry) :

Assign the interface properties over the surfaces

Set a far field pattern output

Set a near field grid (even if only a quarter of the geometry is simulated, the near field points may be located on the whole geometry) :

The operating frequency is 4 GHz.

Mesh, save and run.

The obtained return loss :

The computed near field :

The far field pattern :

The cross polarization reaches its maximum value in the phi=45° plane. In this plane, the polarization Z and S (defined here) are useful to represent the cross polarization. In our example, it is the polarization S.

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